Heart of Men
Guided Meditations From The Heart of Men
Guided Meditation: Slowing Down to the Pace of Knowing (13 minutes)

Guided Meditation: Slowing Down to the Pace of Knowing (13 minutes)

This is a favorite from our men's circles. If you feel life moving too quickly, this meditation serves to help you slow down to the pace of your body and your nervous system.

We live so much of our lives at a pace that puts our nervous systems in fight or flight. From this place, we’re making decisions from survival--fFrom our most deeply-rooted patterns. Our future will look like our past if our “operating system” is coming from this conditioned place. When we slow down, especially around a specific circumstance or pattern in our life, we create space for something new to emerge. We create space to feel what’s actually beneath the noise. In touch with this feeling, we can act from an inspired place and help shape our environment to be one that feeds us. We know what to do when we attune to the pace of the body and pay attention to what’s there.

If this works for you, feel free to download this audio to have in the future—or when you’re offline.


Heart of Men
Guided Meditations From The Heart of Men
These are 10-20 minutes guided meditations that I record for our substack community. Many of the themes originate from our opening meditations we hold at the beginning of every council in the Heart of Men Brotherhood.